As shared at our October General Membership Meeting, our Union dues are set to increase in the new year.
On January 1, 2023 dues will increase by $3.00 per month, bringing the new quarterly total to $318.
Dues are the lifeblood of our organization. Not only do we all pay them, but they are essential for the operation of our Local, and the ongoing support we are able to provide to our members.
Per our By-Laws, members’ dues are based on 8 times the average hourly rate per quarter plus an international assessment of an additional 1/2 hour. Per Article X of our Teamster International Constitution, members of all locals are required to pay a minimum of 2-and-a-half times their hourly rate in the form of monthly dues payments.
Due to the hardships of COVID, and the delay in negotiations this past year, our Local 399 Executive Board waived the dues increase for 2022. This current increase is in line with our International Constitution and past practice of Local 399.
The Local 399 website has now been updated to reflect the new dues rate should you wish to pay for the 1st Quarter of the New Year in advance. If you still have yet to pay for the current 4th Quarter Dues and owe a $40 late fee, that amount will reflect the current 2022 rate until January 1st.
Click here to make an online payment.
If you are currently subscribed to our recurring payment plan option, the new amount of $322 ($318 Dues + $4 Credit Card Fee) will be automatically applied to your account. NO action is needed on your part to update your dues amount and you will see the new amount reflected on the January 1, 2023 payment.
- Interested in having your dues paid automatically every month?
- Learn more about our Recurring Payment Plan here.
- For anyone not currently subscribed to this plan but paid through the end of the year, we recommend waiting until the month of January 2023 to sign-up.
- Learn more about our Recurring Payment Plan here.
If you prepaid your dues for the year and did not account for the dues increase, our Front Office will be contacting you with the balance owed to bring your account current. No fines or fees will be applied to anyone in this situation at this time. We just ask that you take care of any outstanding balance as soon as you are made aware.
If you have any further questions, please email or call: (818) 985-7374.
Keep in mind, we do not bill for your dues. Our Members are expected to pay quarterly dues in the months of January, April, July & October. Keep your contact information current with the Union Hall as we do send targeted reminders to help members from falling behind on dues. If you have ANY questions, please contact the Union Hall Front Office via phone: (818) 985-7374 or email: