Contract Services’ CS ACCESS Mobile App is Now Available for download for iPhone and Android users. 

Contract Services has asked us to help spread the word to our members about the launch of their new CS Access Mobile App. This tool has been created by Contract Services to serve as a simple way for members to keep up with your training requirements and more.

Some of the features include:  

·       Track your roster placement process 

·       Stay up to date with your roster status 

·       Access status of certificates and licenses on file with CS 

·       Access your Compliance Report and Official Course Transcript 

·       View training deadlines 

·       Update contact information 

·       Receive important notifications about deadlines, new training requirements and more 

·      Complete COVID-19 Prevention Training via mobile device (and other training in the future) 

·       Review Safety Bulletins, safety hotlines and other notices 


To learn more about the new CS Mobile Access App, click here.


Issues with the CSATF App? Contact:

Ph: 818.565.0550 ext. 1030
