By: Norm & Debbie Compton (The Stackinggurus)

Happy New Year to all our Local 399 Brothers and Sisters! We are looking forward to a new year to meet more of you and continue networking the health conversation.

In the Newsreel articles last year, we shared information and insight to physical challenges that are developing and becoming extremely common in our demanding Industry. We want to continue emphasizing the importance of moving throughout your day with intent. This allows a strong posture and the mechanics that go with it, fine-tuning the body and brain communication for solutions to most physical issues.

Through our professional years, these conditions keep repeating themselves. In addition to lower back pain, is a list of issues becoming common, and almost expected, ranging from sciatica, neck pain, pinched nerve, rotator cuff tears, carpal tunnel, unstable knees, neuropathy, and more. Trust us — most of these can be eliminated, or controlled, by strengthening the muscle groups needed to support your skeleton, as well as, what your body needs to function.

It’s no surprise when we hear, ‘that’s easier said than done.’ But like anything else – the more you know, the more control you have. We want to share other pieces to our puzzle of optimal health to help you feel more informed.


This is definitely a topic that has more confusion than answers. Nutrition is not one of our majors, but we have worked in the health and fitness industry for over 40 years, and the individual struggles keep repeating. The first reason for this is the complete lack of education and honest information. It’s always so confusing. We want to start with a few straightforward tips that put you in control.

TIP #1: Keeping a Food Log for 5 Days

Take an honest look at your eating habits. Sometimes we think certain additions are only occasional, or the opposite, sometimes we think we’re getting the recommended amount. For example, no matter what the true amount is, if I ask someone if they’re getting enough water the answer is ‘absolutely!’ Start with TIP #1 and keep a food log for 5 days. This isn’t just about losing weight; it’s about health. Write down everything that goes in your mouth and time of day. This will give you the truth on how much fruit you are getting daily, are there consistent meals, are you eating more processed food or sugar than you thought and how much water are you getting. Then approach one change at a time.

TIP #2: Be Tested for Food Allergies

This is very important information. There aren’t always obvious symptoms but there will be issues. When eating a food you are allergic to, your body doesn’t utilize the nutrients or digest completely. This can cause bloating and inflammation. Both can give you the false sense it is body fat – but this cannot be exercised or dieted off. It only leaves when you stop consuming the food you are allergic to.

TIP #3: Six Things Your Body Needs

This is very necessary information. There are six things your body needs to function properly:

1. Water

2. Protein

3. Carbohydrates

4. Healthy fats

5. Vitamins

6. Minerals

This is one of the reasons eliminating whole food groups requires informed education to replace the nutrients each supply.

Some health topics are tough to hold our attention, so starting with some foundation tips is plenty of homework. The human body is an amazing creation. Our lifestyle either supports our physical machine, or challenges it. We want to share how physical exercise and what we eat is a necessary duo. Together they control hormones, insulin, blood sugar and brain health.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison

Keep it strong,

Keep it mobile,

Keep it til you’re done.