We are THANKFUL for YOU.
In observance of Thanksgiving, please see our Local 399 Holiday hours above.
At this time the State and County will allow the Motion Picture Industry to continue to work throughout our city due to the hard fought efforts to protect all crew and cast to the best of our ability while on the job. We cannot stress enough however, how we collectively handle the holiday season will have a direct impact on our Industry being able to continue to operate. Safety in and out of the workplace is everyone’s responsibility in order to keep our Industry open and keep the ones we come home to at the end of a long day safe. Please be smart in how you plan to celebrate the holidays by staying masked, socially distanced and avoid large gatherings.
Together we will continue to get through this. We are proud and grateful for the strength, resilience and solidarity of our Members throughout this difficult year. If there is anything more we can do to assist you at this time, please let us know.